WRESTLING USA Magazine web site
Run an ad of any size in all 6 issues of Wrestling USA Magazine and your company banner will stay on the home page of wrestlingusa.com
Your ads will go in the Wrestler's Store all year for as little as $150 an issue when you advertise in the print issue of Wrestling USA Magazine. Your ad goes in the online preview issue located on the home page free.
When you advertise in the print issue of Wrestling USA Magazine your ads will go in the online issue free. Example Click Here
Your print ad out of Wrestling USA Magazine will be full size in the "Wrestler's Store" and is linked to your web site. If you go to Google, Yahoo or Bing and type in "Wrestler's Store" the search engine will go to "Wrestling USA Magazine Wrestler's Store". It is at the top of the first page in all these major search engines.
When you placed an advertisement in Wrestling USA Magazine we will place a text link to your web site on the left side of the "wrestler's store".
Call or email us back and we will be glad to discuss your advertising questions in Wrestling USA Magazine, email wrestlingusa.com. Call Cody at 406-360-9421 cell or email cody@wrestlingusa.com Lanny 406-544-7434 cell or lanny@wrestlingusa.com
We look forward to working with you to get the word out about your company products to the nation's high schools, wrestling coaches and wrestlers.
Advertising in Wrestling USA Magazine
To target this market, we will publish 2,000 Wrestling USA Magazine each issue, which will be distributed by direct mail to our subscribers who pay $25.00 for a one year subscription for 6 issues a year.
Wrestling USA Magazine is published 6 times yearly as follows: once a month in October, December, February, April, June, and August.
Contact Cody at 406-360-9421
Magazine Cover Date
October 15
December 15
February 15
April 15
June 15
August 15
Ad Copy Deadline
September 20
November 20
January 20
March 20
May 20
July 20
Mailed to Subscribers
October 1
December 1
February 1
April 1
June 1
August 1